Based on James Barrie's play "Alice Sit-By-The-Fire". In turn-of-the-century New York, a young girl who believes she's learned "the seamy side of life" from a risque play takes it upon herself to rescue her estranged mother from what appears to be a steamy love affair.
更新信息: 25集全
评分: 8.7
上映日期: 2005-06-09
导演: 奥列格·特罗费姆
演员表: 申知原, 杨骏, Marie·Béraud, Katharine King So, 汤米·拉菲特 , André·Kaminski, 吴燕苓
类型: Science, 短-女频恋爱, 短剧现代都市
语言: 德语 / 英语 /, 尼日利亚语
地区: USA, 中国大陆 / 西班牙